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Jon Stewart, Heath Care vs broccoli

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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Unlike the rest of the civilized world, here in the most Christian nation on Earth, we believe that quality health care should be delegated to those who have the most money and the best jobs. Why is that you think?  

Even the Republicans on the Supreme Court have as their central argument that if we treat everyone fairly in these matters of life and death, we will then all be forced to buy broccoli. And of course the secondary argument that a private or public single payer system is tyranny. After all, every other democracy in the world have no freedoms or liberties and live under tyranny, but us. Having the most people in jail while executing the more than all the rest put together does not enter into it. 

Remember as Jesus said so well, "The rich man deserves good health and the poor shall die in the ditch."

The main argument Republicans use in denying health insurance to tens of millions of poor Americans is that it will lead to us being forced to buy broccoli and live in tyranny.  Sure that reeks of the ignorance, intolerance and racism endemic of the Republican Base, but it’s the Republicans on the Supreme Court saying it.

Bottom line is that Republicans do not want ONE SINGLE PENNY of their hard earned income, whether in taxes, entitlements, medical care, unemployment comp, clothing, shelter or even food to go to ONE SINGLE African American who wear criminal Hoodies and have dangerous Skittles in their pockets.

Look what happened just this week in Republicanville?

An unarmed 17 year old black kid was shot down by an armed self appointed vigilante looking for trouble. The armed aggressor has now become the victim and the unarmed kid the criminal. And who do these Republicans hate most it his country? Jackson/Sharpton or any African American seeking justice for blacks or who reach out to the poor. ACORN, NAACP and of course Community Organizers like Barack Obama are now put on equal footing with Communists and Satan.