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Jon Stewart, Hypocrisy of Cheney and Rove, Balzheimers Disease

The old Republican Bush Administration is in even more dire straights than the Republican Party itself these days.

George W is wisely keeping politely mum, so it’s the old attack dogs Cheney and Rowe out on the talking heads warpath to save and redeem their legacy. Which is that it was good and wise to usurp the constitution, deny due process, forgo habeaus corpus, preemptive war and torture to thwart terrorism on American soil.  

That’s it, it’s all they got for the historians.

Sadly for them its one of those things…

For their is a substantial argument that had none of those things been done the result would have been the same. I know its a substantive argument because Republicans use all the time do decry all the social programs and educational funding they hate so much. They argue throwing money at the problem does not fix anything as the results are or will be the same.

That lame argument and abject hypocrisy are not American things they are Republican things.