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Jon Stewart interview McCain blaming Mexicans for Arizona Fires

The Right works it so well. Give them credit. It’s not bankers, or deregulation, or mortgage bundling derivatives, or rating companies, or bonuses and golden parachutes for losers, or ever more tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations, or union busting, or keeping wages and salaries stagnant for 30 years, or increasing the disparity of wealth by a factor of ten over the past generation.

No no no no… Our trouble comes from Mexicans taking our jobs cleaning toilets, cutting grass, clearing tables, picking lettuce and chopping their fingers off on chicken farms. Not only do they take all those good jobs Americans are just dying to do, but now they have set our nation on fire! It’s not climate change it’s Mexicans.

Texas Governor Rick Perry has now decided to run for President. So instead of holding back as he has in the past, he is now going full throttle forward to follow Arizona into alienating Hispanics – the fastest growing demography in Texas. One thing you have to give the Right, they don’t think very far down the road. Well except when it comes to gay marriage which leads to sex with dogs (that’s santorum, look it up).

Or the results of actually overturning Roe V. Wade giving us several Casey Anthony trials a day to watch on TV. Or the half million a year women chopped up in motel rooms, do it yourself processes and suicides.

They live only in the past and the present. The future is delegated only for their ride to Heaven on a 900 foot Jesus while they happily watch 6 billion men women and children burn to death. The ultimate genocide, which they hope and pray for.

That, working to chop up women, and thousands of gay teen suicides their bigotry and intolerance have already caused makes them WORSE THAN HITLER, STALIN, MAO, PO POT, CHARLIE MANSON AND MICHAEL BOLTON COMBINED.

This Americanized Jesus of theirs who heads the NRA, runs our execution chambers and feeds off collateral damage is what Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum stand for. But the real horror are not these unelectable evil clowns, but rather the rest of the GOP presidential crowd having to play catch up with them to get the nomination.