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Jon Stewart, Jewish Texas Republican Speaker Joe Straus fights Christians

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Jewish Speaker of Texas State House
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Of course the push to derail the election of a Jew to Speaker of the House has nothing to do with Christianity or religion intolerance! It’s only because he is pro life, pro NRA, pro business, pro oil, pro  pollution and pro everything conservative imaginable. Though at one time he did say, in public, that we should find some "middle ground" to get some legislation passed. That is just not something you say here in Texas in public or private.  It is what the guns are for.

But it was enlightening to hear that after he won back the Speaker-ship that his detractors said it was okay to have ONE Jew, but no Muslims in the Texas State Legislature. You just can’t trust people who are all wrapped up in religion you know!