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Jon Stewart: Last Debate, Romney bows to Obama Foreign Policy

Republican joe scarborough advocate of tortureThey are both hopped up on drones.  In their defense, I have to say as President I would rather have a drone do some job with a bit of collateral damage than than write those YOUR BOY IS DEAD letters to the families of our troops.  On the other side of the issue, Stephen Colbert showed a graph the other day of how other countries would vote in our election.  Most were like 20 to 1 for Obama and only ONE country for Romney.  Pakistan.  Drones.  Terrorism.

I also noticed Joe Scarborough go literally NUTS on his show the other day over the horror of using drones.  He even turned to his audience behind him to tell them he didn’t give a crap what they thought. He was really loud, obnoxious and animated about the issue. BTW, his argument was pretty much the same as what got Bill Maher fired from ABC some years ago.

I knew what this was about instantly. Mika let it go as she does most of his crap, but as nice as he could, Mike Barnacle hit the issue softly, by just mentioning it. Joe Scarborough doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Drones killing Muslims, or how they feel about it. What he was doing was justifying his loud, proud over the top justification for torture.  Joe loves torture! Perhaps the leading advocate for it in America. It’s a Republican thing. Character matters. Drones play right into his argument that torturing people is a walk in the park compared to the collateral damage caused by Drones.