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Jon Stewart LOVES John McCain only Republican standing against torture

“It’s crap.”  Dick Cheney on the Senate Intelligence Committee on CIA torture report.

Republicans like torture except John McCainSo there you have it!  Listen to Dick, he has a 13% favorable rating. About the same as Ted Nugent and dog poop.

What a lucid moment from John McCain. But tomorrow he will be declaring war on ISIS, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Russia. War is good for the soul.  Sounds like the new book from lead neocon Little Billy Kristol.

I just watched, you know, middle of the road Republican Joe Scarborough comment that this investigation into CIA torture is the same horrid injustice that gave us the grand juries in Ferguson and Staten Island and the errant Rolling Stone story. Which is a big step up from his drooling, spitting crazyass defense of torture just a few years ago. So Mika may be slowing him down some.

Republicans have no trouble with torture. Or executions, hitting children with boards in schools, hitting kids with sticks at home, knocking out girlfriends, preemptive wars or collateral damage. It’s the nature of the Beast. Indeed, Rush Limbaugh is correct on one thing, character matters.

And remember, if it’s okay for the shinning city on the Hill to use torture, so can YOU.