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Jon Stewart makes fools of Fox News Doctors

fox news silly doctorsThis is much like having so many silly doctors in the House of Representatives. I guess what happens is that Right-wing doctors understand that if the run for office against a non doctor they will win. Period. So off they go.

There you have it from a DOCTOR! So it must be true! We have too much health insurance! Much like Newt Gingrich still claiming there isn’t enough money pouring into our election process. Different worldviews. Different galactic views.

The problem of course is that the GOP has no alternative to either Obamacare or a Single Payer system. The only ideas they put forward are a hodgepodge of voluntary health insurance tax credits or savings plans. None of which solve anything at all.

There are four basic things that are required to make any health care plan work. It must cover everyone, no exceptions for pre existing conditions, keep people from losing their homes and moving under bridges if they get sick, and above all everyone pays in, a MANDATE. In fact the MANDATE was the Republican plan until the very day a black guy won the White House.

Why can’t we join the rest of the civilized world in this matter? I have the answer which most Americans – including Republicans – will cause them to accept a universal health care system funded by a payroll tax. No 2400 pages, just one simple sentence.

We hereby change the Medicare and Medicaid systems to include people of ALL AGES except Negroes.

There you go. Done deal.

Even though Rush Limbaugh says. “Blacks don’t matter, they are only 12% of the population.” We could be magnanimous about this and allow some sort of 100 year path to health care inclusion.