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Jon Stewart missed clues in Paula Broadwell interview in January

paula broadwell on Daily ShowNeed some input of high end adultery in and around the desks of power? Who you gonna call?  NewtBusters!  Newt Gingrich who was committing adultery with his present wife Calistra in his office as Speaker of the House while he was impeaching President Clinton for the same thing. Wow. What a guy.

It was in late 1985 that I concluded that anything I wrote online could very well end up on the front page of the New York Times. How long ago was that? 27 years ago I understood it and I am a nobody, not running some show?  Gosh…

So as this dirt continues, where will it all end? Will the Republicans GET THE PRESIDENT on this, the President who had NOT A THING TO DO WITH THIS. That’s the game here though. Which should give everyone pause as to what the GOP is going to do for the next 4 years.