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Jon Stewart, Mitch Daniels End of the world Response

If you watched Mitch Daniels rebuttal to President Obama’s State of the Union speech the other night, you most likely fell asleep after the 15th time he referred to the debt, which was about 2 minutes into it. Though it was at first refreshing to hear someone from the GOP speaking as a grown up instead of those vying for the coveted Republican crown as most intolerant, bigoted clown in the Presidential pack! But it was also "shoot yourself" boring.

So we finally heard from the non Evangelical, non Tea Party, non Nut Cake country club side of the GOP. 

It went on and on and on, AND ON, with all that trickle down supply side don’t tax the rich, free market, job creating CRAP that has been proved to be crap now for 30 years.

I am no conspiracy wonk. I have never doubted it was one man with one gun from one suppository. But I am beginning to wonder if perhaps the Republican powers that be saw the biggest economic down turn in 80 years coming, but took the money and ran anyway.

Knowing that there shenanigans would cause a tremendous loss of tax revenues which in turn would increase the debt – they realized that they could then blame everything on the debt incurred while the Black guy was President. Then use that lie as the basis for their apocalyptic argument that we must above all give the wealthy "job creators" – who have destroyed tens of millions of jobs by sending their factories offshore and automating what is left – tax breaks and eliminate financial regulations to further increase the disparity of wealth so they can increase taxes on the the working poor, take what they can away from the old, the sick, the poor, minorities, the middle class and even children. Claiming they are defeating the horror of EUROPEAN SOCIALISM!

But you know, the real horror of it all is not so much pigs being pigs, but that about half the old, the sick, the poor the working poor and the middle class vote for the bastards.