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Jon Stewart Nooney Tunes Peggy Noonan hypocrite

noony tunesNooney Tunes Peggy Noonan. Wow, what a maroon! Where’s Bugs? And what great imitation Jon Stewart does of this Looney Nooney.

And she is not the only one saying this is the worst scandal in American History.  Did you know that the Contras would throw hand grenades into SOCIALIST schools and cut students balls off and stuff theme in their mouths? And funding that by selling missiles to Osama bin Laden.  Not to mention Nixon CREATING and USING a hit list for the IRS to come down on his enemies. And Nixon taking $100,000 and giving it to the Plumbers as hush money. And the Attorney General getting caught doing that and fired and went to jail for it.  Gosh… And 911, and Iraq war… And we don’t even now the facts yet.

President Obamas numbers are still going up. This same thing happened in 1998 with the Clinton Impeachment. So it seems the GOP had better bite their lip and let this play out without overreaching. And I don’t think it is in their nature to do so.

What’s it all about Peggy?  I know many are sick and tired of me saying this, but the bottom line here is for Republicans to DESTROY The Affordable Care Act and keep African Americans and Hispanics from the socialism of available and equitable health care.  When the government helps white people it’s called benefits, when the government helps colored people it’s called socialism. AND DATS A FACT.