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Jon Stewart Obamacare the most insidious law ever created by man

One of the most insidious laws ever created by man, and that’s Obamacare.” Todd Rokita (R-Indiana)

todd rokitaWe like to blame this whole nasty business on Ted Cruz, but he is not alone. These Tea Party Senators and Representatives have control of the House and the Minority in the Senate. And that is not to mention 60% of the voters in Texas and about the same throughout the old Confederacy.  What was that Confederacy all about again? Save that for another day.

It is amazing that we have allowed the Tea Party Ugly, which is little different than the rise of the John Birch Society for the same reasons. In 1954 the unanimous Supreme Court decision that found segregation in schools unconstitutional, Brown v Education, set the Birchers off with literally thousands of IMPEACH EARL WARREN billboards all over the South and near South. It was the impetus for one of the most radical Right-wing groups in America.  And here we have deju vu all over again. Obamacare was not even an issue when the Tea Party Ugly had its day in the sun. So what was it?  So many are in so much denial.

How can we let these Right-wing reactionaries run roughshod over the country? Hell, all we have to do is take the tennis balls off the bottom of their walkers and they would slide back under the moss covered rocks from whence they came.