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Jon Stewart Puts on a Life Vest for the Sinking Ship Romney

jon stewat life vest for sinking romney shipThis one pretty much says it all, except for…

Though we are hearing a lot about this video being the last nail in the coffin. A reminder. It’s mostly a wash as there are so few UNDECIDED in this election and it is more about getting out the vote than moving to the middle per usual. In fact there are many who believe this was the best speech he ever made, and it will generate more GET OUT THE VOTE from the Tea Party as it will lose undecided. The cheers for Romney’s statements in this hidden video are still being applauded and are reverberating positively across talk radio, Fox News and the Republican Base, for it is what such people honestly believe. They think that 47% of Americans  are Hotentots and Aztecs.

What we all have to come to terms with is that the problem is not Mitt Romney, George W Bush or John McCain. It’s REPUBLICANS.