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Jon Stewart, Rand Paul plagiarist & sniveling little snot

rand paul patrick duffyThe hair question has always been on my mind. Why would someone pick a hair style that looks like a wig?  Or a 1980’s soap opera star for that matter? Very strange.

Of all the quotes this Tea Party darling and sniveling little snot has blessed us with of late, my favorite is this one about taking the ball and going home:

“It’s also what people hate about politics, and it’s why, frankly, members of my family are not too interested in politics, period, or wanting me to do more of this. To tell you the truth, people can think what they want, I can go back to being a doctor anytime, if they’re tired of me. I’ll go back to being a doctor, and I’ll be perfectly content.”

Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out pal…

This story is no longer about plagiarism but about character. Calling a woman out for a duel aside, what Rand Paul has managed to accomplish in just one week is to show the world what a sniveling little snot he is. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, for he will have to deal with this kind on thing more often as he runs for the White House.

I think all Americans outside the Tea Party Ugly have the same words as I do sitting at the tip of their tongue while watching his act:

Boo fking hoo pal…