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Jon Stewart, Rick Perry offers his nipple to America

Jon Stewart does his imitations of Rick Perry and Eric Cantor who refused a speaking engagement because THE PUBLIC would be allowed 300 seats at the venue. Damn Public!  What has the Public ever done for Eric Cantor or the GOP? I hope you have noticed that Republicans do not even use the word any longer. It’s GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS, and GOVERNMENT PARKS and so on… 

After offering his nipple to America and admitting his "love affair" with guns for he and his chidlren, Mr Texas commented last night that he was playing the Birther Card because it’s "FUN".
Hmmm… So making up stuff about people he finds fun… Hmmm…

Governor Perry has a hunting lodge named N*ggerhead!
Governor Perry likes to hang out with Ted Nugent!
Governor Perry wants Texas to secede from the Union!
Governor Perry shot a coyote while jogging with his laser sighted pistol he wears in his shorts!
Governor Perry’s wife is a silly dingbat!

Oops. Sorry, none of that is made up stuff.