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Jon Stewart South Carolina Confederacy no joking matter

“We are bringing it on ourselves, and that’s the thing, al qaeda, those guys, ISIS are nothing compared to the damage we apparently can do to ourselves on a regular basis,” Jon Stewart on Southern Confederate symbolism.

“I am confident though, that by acknowledging it [racism], that staring into that and seeing it for what it is, we will still not do jackpoop, yeah, that’s us.” Jon Stewart on the murder of nine African Americans in Confederate South Carolina.

jon stewart not funny about South Carolina massacreFox News and talk radio are already blaming this on the non existent War on Christianity with the same players – along with the NRA – using it to further our ubiquitous violent gun culture. As Jon Stewart says, jackpoop will be done because neither politicians nor the media want to offend white racist gun enthusiasts who are sure to vote and buy pickup trucks.

One last thing I would like to add to this. What’s with this WHY WHY WHY crap we see all the time in these things. As if there is some grand transcendental issue at hand. Why? Because Dylann Storm Roof is a racist Southern cracker from a culture that celebrates the symbols of racism, slavery and treason, whose father bought him a .45 semi automatic for his 21st birthday, and who hung out at racist internet sites. The largest of which is Stormfront which was a website before Dylann STORM Roof was born. His father slammed the door on the press.