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Jon Stewart, Tea Party Paul Rand has a Hot wife!

“Today the journey begins to freedom, liberty, personal responsibility and to take America back” Rand Paul getting down on his knees and sucking off the Tea Party.

Rand Paul has hot wifeFirst words out of the box. Do we need to ask who we are taking America back from?  All introductions by African Americans and women!  And a well spoken hot wife!

So what is good about Rand Paul, why the youthful adoration?

1) He wants to see less NSA spying on the American born.
2) He wants to reduce long prison terms for non violent African Americans, and more racial fairness in our criminal system.
3) He wants less American military and diplomatic involvement around the world.

So what is bad about Rand Paul?

1) He is full against making marijuana legal. He says legalization is a very bad idea though he does advocate reduction in long prison sentences for those stupid enough to use it.
2) Full against Gay Marriage.
3) Full against abortion for any reason.
4) Refuses to say he accepts evolution.
5) Refuses to say he accepts Global Warming.
6) Replacing public education with religious vouchers.
6) The elimination of The Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Dept of Education, the IRS, and the deregulation of banks, Wall Street, and corporations.

And that just for starters… The result of any Libertarian world is Mad Max Thunderdome.