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Jon Stewart Top Republicans Meet at Pizza Place with New Ideas

The last new idea Republicans had was when they began purchasing women for sex rather than clubbing them over the head. Rackjite quotes

The new idea men at the pizza parlor who all seem to have presidential aspirations come 2012 – Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal and Eric Cantor – had the same NEW ideas they have had for hundreds of years. They included unregulated free markets, lowering taxes on the wealthy, defending torture and preemptive wars, bending over to their base to embrace bigotry towards gays, intolerance toward women in denying them a choice, more executions, more assault rifles and the whole pail of conservative pleasentries. Jeb Bush did search his soul to find one ACTUAL NEW IDEA, reducing tuition for the most needed job markets.

So they actually have ONE new idea! A great and grand move forward into the 20th century! But sadly Rush Limbaugh et al laughed at even that ONE tiny little ONE new idea.

Republicans are much like paleontologists; they dig through
prehistoric trash heaps and anything they discover they define as a
new find. Rackjite quotes