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Jon Stewart, Xmas Tea Party Madness, Laura Ingraham lunatic

A recent Rasmussen poll says 41% of Americans now have a positive view of the Tea Baggers and more Americans are against health care reform than for it.

The media likes to pretend that this movement is some sort of independent bipartisan grass roots movement. Lunatics buy a lot of Bud, F-150s and car insurance. 

A recent article on the Dec 15th Tea Baggers ended with this.

"To paraphrase Franklin Delano Roosevelt," Burr said over boos FDR’s name evoked, "The only thing we have to fear is… Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid."  Washington Independent

There you go, case closed.

The Rasmussen poll also showed that in a vote for a congressman today 23% would vote for any unknown Tea Bagger, 18% for a Republican and 36% for a Democrat. Tea Baggers are only independent in that they believe the GOP is liberal. It also shows that the GOP has to suck up to these White-Wing lunatics or pay the price of them sitting home in 2010. 

And whats all this crap about not following the constituion they harp on? It’s that taxes are unconstitutional and considered thievery. The driving force is not debt, they could care less about debt driven by war or access to boat ramps, the driving force is paying taxes to those less white than they. ABSOLUTELY IT IS! It’s what the guns are for