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Just the Headlines with Rack Jite, February 24 2017

Headlines and a Bit, Rack Jite Sept 21 2017

White House: Feds will step up marijuana law enforcement

Now there’s a great way to bring millennials into the Republican fold! Hear! Here! Jeff Sessions pissing off more white people than black people.

FBI refused White House request to knock down recent Trump-Russia stories

For those too young for Watergate and Nixon’s demise, here we go again.

Where in the world is Sarah Palin? Her political star is fading

I know I know! Knocked senseless in the snow after her husband once again got drunk and ran his snowmobile into a tree! Or knocked senseless in a bar brawl.

‘Have Some Courage’: Gabby Giffords Responds to GOP Rep Invoking Her Shooting to Avoid Town Halls

But Gabby, the whole point of Republican politics is to drum up fear, to generate hate to get white people to vote for them. Without that they are nothing. So let them hide under their desks, it’s who they are and what they do for a living.

Caitlyn Jenner Comments on Trump’s Trans Rollback: ‘This is a Disaster, and You Can Still Fix It’

Crazyass transgender Donald Trump supporter has second thoughts. Na, probably not, once in a cult it is hard to escape.

Sixteen-Year-Old Jackie Evancho is Pushing Back Harder on the Trans Rollback Than Caitlyn Jenner

That little girl who got hoodwinked into singing for fascists is moving on.

 Philippines: Duterte critic De Lima arrested on drug-related charges

His counterpart here is working on the same thing for Alec Baldwin.