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Karl Roves high sniveling imitation of Sarah Palin

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Karl Rove AKA Turdblossom is in a high state of dudgeon at the prospect – however limited, that Sarah Palin might win a nomination in 2012.

In "Last Word’ with Lawrence O’Donnell and Joe Hagan of New York Magazine, who was ‘privileged’ to hear Rove’s imitation, reveals the content and discusses why Sarah Palin would worry Rove so much that his intense dislike for her is completely transparent. Rove, whom it seems is known for his impersonations, took on the ‘you betcha’ accent, but couldn’t hide his ‘clothless disgust.’

Also interesting is the fact that Rove knows that he too could be doing impersonations in prison, so close was he to being indicted for the Valerie Plame disaster – he simply had better lawyers. That’s the American judicial system when you control the puppet strings