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Kendall Jones Exotic Animal Spree Killer Newsy News

Kendall Jones Exotic Animal Spree Killer Newsy News

On Newsy News, Susie – a conservative meat eater, takes on Rebecca her liberal vegan ‘sister.’ The conversation soon turns to Kendall Jones and her hunting ‘trophies'(not to be eaten)   Rebecca feels that animals are to be loved and protected. Susie feels they are to be eaten and “killed for FUN because of Survival of the Fittest!” A scientific concept she will embrace – just this once, to win the argument.

There is no way Susie can ‘win’ this week. It’s not about pork chops vs quinoa. The most hated woman in America Kendall Jones, has been making headlines by killing animals that were never meant to be eaten. These animals go in the trophy room back home in Texas! (surprised?)  Yup, perky lil’ cheerleader Kendall  has been going with daddy to Africa since she was 13, and is proud to pose with the majestic lion she’s killed ‘for sport.’ Likewise she’s slaughtered and posed with leopards and zebras and rhinos too! Jones doesn’t know why people are angry. Why – if not for wealthy hunters, those poor animals would be at the mercy of poachers – who haven’t paid to go on safari.

Vegans and meat eaters can live side by side in harmony. It’s when someone starts shooting exotic wild animals that the discussion has been mislabeled.  It all ends well for Kendall Jones, as I suspect much of her life does. To cool down controversy this week,  she posed with a baby deer, and a dog she’s rescued. Awwww…All forgiven! She is also looking forward to hosting her own reality show on the Sportsman’s Network, where Sarah Palin proceeded her.

Does the fact that it’s a lil’ blonde hottie  pulling the trigger make any difference in your judgement of Kendall Jones’ Exotic Animal Murder spree?