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Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis the face of Christian bigotry

“I cannot compromise my conscience. I can’t do that, we’ve instructed people they’re welcome to go to other counties. It’s not like they can’t go somewhere else, for me, it’s about the love of God, for them, it’s hatred…” Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis clueless as to the difference between what one says and what one does.

kim davis face of Christian BigtoryI suppose it is unfair to call Kim Davis the face of Christian bigotry when she is just as much the face of Southern bigotry, Republican bigotry and in this case Democratic bigotry as a first term Democrat elected county clerk.

The video is interesting on many fronts, the cell phone video free-for-all, people taking skips, the big cop in the center of things, what a hottie Kim Davis is, and of course the theme of all this crap, my bigotry trumps not only your rights but your happiness as well.

Oh and after the fact she followed it up with this insane crap:

“God is my first love, and I will stand for Him, And if it means I get thrown out of office, we’ll deal with that when it comes. He made man his own image and he saw that man needed a companion, so he put him to sleep, And He took a rib from Adam and he made Eve. He ordained marriage from the very beginning of time, eons ago, that marriage is between a man and a woman. And it is a sacred union. And I just cannot separate my conscience from that. “

Who performed the marriage of Adam and Eve? Who issued the permit? Why were they clothless when they got married?  And the biggest question of them all, if God made just Adam and Eve and Cain killed Able then Judaism, Christianity and the Bible is founded on incestuous act between a  mother and her son. Which begs the question of which is worse, homosexuality or incest?

Judge Alito said it best in his decent of  Obergefell:

“Today’s decision usurps the constitutional right of the people to decide whether to keep or alter the traditional understanding of marriage. The decision will also have other important consequences. It will be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy.”

I SHOULD HOPE SO! Gosh just how far worldviews can diverge when it comes to that which is not there.