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Klan wears Redskins T-shirts on weekends, Lukovich cartoon

Klan wears Redskins T-shirts on weekends, Lukovich cartoon

This cartoon by Mike Lukovich did not resonate with me unitl I linked into a FOX NEWS website article on the subject. Sure all comment areas are pretty much overflowing with the raw ugliness of conservative bigotry, intolerance, racism, gungoonery and name calling, but over at the FOX NEWS website it is nothing but.

Not only did I learn that none of the commenters have ever heard anyone they know complain or question the Redskins name, but also that no one cares about it. No one. It is just a bunch of politically correct liberal NAZIS being NAZIS. No one cares.  Which means American Indians do not even rate as ONES inside the GOP bubble. And if called on it, or called on any of their racist right-wing swill it is liberal Nazis and African American racists playing the race card.