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Krump the Right, Dance against Rush Limbaugh

Krump the Right, Dance against Rush LimbaughHow do we respond to the ugly right-wing swill that erupts 24/7 from the dealers on AM radio, cable TV and the “cyber?”  Who has the retch-control to even listen to it to and then respond?  I tried it once with Rush Limbaugh some 20 years ago when I was on the road. I ended up with a constant red mark on my forehead from the the steering wheel and broke the dashboard on two cars from pounding on it.  WHICH IS JUST WHAT LIMBAUGH WANTS.

So Krump the Right here tries another way of responding, some music, some dance and along with a well thought out logical rebuttal in between!.  And after two days it “4” views on youtube!  If that were a video of mocking Hillary Clinton it would have a million views. Which is the battle we have been losing for a generation.  And is why we have The Donald a couple points away from the White House today. All the lies, all the conspiracies, all the bigotry, the political incorrectness, the anger and the hate brought the poorly educated and even more poorly informed white people out from under their rocks to beat their chests for the cameras. It is the essense of talk radio, bigotry is something to be proud of, Rush Limbaugh makes asssholes feel good about themselves. We always knew there was big money in that, but were not until lately knew that it could be so politically huge.

Even when The Donald sticks to issues they are all crap.  Illegal immigration brings IN more money that it sends out. NAFTS and TTP create more jobs and more trade advantages than they lose. Jobs leave not because of black lives matter or Mexicans, they leave because of technology and offshore labor, Donald’s ties are made in China.

It’s an age old human problem, the sourest pickles at the bottom of the pickle barrel look down on those below them, while resenting those above them who are smarter than they are, both are to blame for all their woes. When the sour pickles become the majority or even close to it, comes war, genocide and holocaust.