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Larry Wilmore and the crazypants white lady Rachel Dolezal

Larry Wilmore and Rachel DolezalSo who did Rachel Dolezal shoot, gosh she is getting more press than a terrorist attack on a Dallas police station. But to be fair, that attack on a Dallas police station was not done by a terrorist or an unarmed thug, but a “troubled” white guy. So it’s okay.

So what is the story in all this silly business? A white woman went all transracial on us deciding she could better serve the world as an African American activist than a German Honky. How cool is that!  But wait, she lied about stuff to get it to work. So that nulifies here good work? Hold it, good works don’t matter to Evangelicals anyway, belief is the only thing that matters, and if she believes she is black, then it must be okay. Oops again, I was just informed that it is not just Evangelicals where good works mean nothing, it is the basis of Martin Luther’s theology so it’s all Protestants, not just the crazy really ones.

After watching the entire Nightly Show on this issue it seems the biggest story coming from the black people there is how much her White German parents hate her black ass. Though who really knows if she tanned up her booty or not. But black families don’t throw their kids under the bus like they did, it’s a cracker thing. Thank you Jerry for finally ending all this PC business. Sarah Palin and her retards in that damn chillbilly peckerwood family of hers.

Though Larry Wilmore is very angry at her for faking racial death threats as am I. Now we will hear that all death threats directed at blacks are bogus.

This kind of reminds me of the Clinton’s Charity Foundation. All that good work, very BIG good work, second only to the Gates’ in size and scope helping poor and sick people over the world, all in question because of some suspected political influence at play. My God man, the country runs on political influence.