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Larry Wilmore, Christian hate group vs Muslim terrorists

“People say we don’t need police in America, excuse me, that’s insanity,” The perfect storm of the straw man argument for no PEOPLE say that, no PEOPLE anywhere at anytime have said that, though some people have said we don’t need police shooting down unarmed black men in the streets.

larry wilmore Texas jihadTalk radio, Fox News, conspiracy internet radio and much of the Republican party base much of their arguments on either “straw men” or “God Says” or “What if…” Without it old people would go off medication and burn down their nursing homes and gun sales and pallets of ammo would no longer be sky rocketing.

In this Texas story of one religious hate group calling out another religious hate group to violence we see it all end just fine while l the media wrings their hands to tell us how terrible it all is. Bullpoop. We got em right at the gitgo. What, we have to win every war and fight by drone and sharpshooter, we can never suffer any loss at all?

You know there has been only been one massive security fkup in my lifetime, and it was directly on the backs of George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice and the Republican Party, none of whom took or suffered any responsibility and were not even questioned about their responsibility.

While these same incompetent losers cry BENGHAZI over four American lives halfway around the world which Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with. Gosh… And people actually vote for these nitwits.