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Larry Wilmore: Don Rumsfeld and Jeffery Dahmer blame Obama for Iraq

Larry Wilmore, Jeffery Dahmer and Don RumsfeldDonald Rumsfeld is trying to walk away from any responsibility regarding directing the Iraq War back in 2003 by blaming the black guy, President Obama.

Don Rumsfeld, hand in hand with Jeffery Dahmer who is resoponsible for killing a few gay men rather than 4000 Americans and 200,000 Iraq civilians. The only redeeming factor regarding Don Rumsfeld is he didn’t eat them for not enough room on his plate.

Sadly, it will not matter which party or what President comes by next year, we will soon be back there fighting for a military dictatorship over a theocratic dictatorship. Or is that the other way around? W had a similar problem in Vietnam 58,000 dead fighting to protect a capitalist dictatorship from a socialist dictatorship.

The new attraction this time round will by our mothers having their kids come home in two boxes, one for the body and one for the head.

War, guns and racism is what American exceptionalism is most about. From I might add, the most Christian nation on Earth. Or is that only how we bill ourselves?