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Louie Gohmert chosen to frack your children

GooberOf course I do not know if children can actually be fracked, but if anyone can manage it, it will be Louie Gohmert who is now in charge of investigating all things environmental. Gohmert gets a chairmanship.

The now moderate GOP House leadership has moderately decided to put Louie Gohmert in charge of investigating and doing all he can to moderately and wisely remove any function and purpose from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, National Park Service , Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement , U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey.

“Other Congress members have mentioned that bureaucrats at the E.P.A., Land Management, U.S. Fish & Wildlife, and related bureaucracies are not likely going to be excited about having to be accountable and testify before me and my committee. Personally, I very much look forward to it myself.” Louie Gohmert in his plans to singlehandedly destroy all progress made in giving the environment a helping hand. I think we can honestly call this the GOP “Fk The Earth” movement.

Also be advised that the same moderate GOP leadership in the Senate assigned Ted Cruz to oversee investigations into NASA. Upon hearing the good news, Senator Cruz – who is one of our leading climate change deniers –  said he will bring back the intended purpose of NASA which is to put men in space and stop funding any other crap it does.

Most climate information gathered in the world which scientists use to realize the dire impact fossil fuels are having on the Earth come from twenty NASA satellites that gather such information to use to perpetuate the hoax of Global Warming. I am not sure Senator Cruz can actually have these satellites shot down, but he sure as hell is going to do all he can to stop that information from flowing.

Oh BTW, 2014 turned out to be the hottest year on record. With out the NASA satellites who would know?

And these two silly right-wing Tea Party darlings are just the tip of the iceberg as to what’s coming to not only the  House over the next two years, but to the Senate as well. Veto! Veto! Veto!

Oh and just to keep in step. These two men, the silliest right-wing a wholes in their respective legislative bodies, both have… Personal relationships with Jesus Christ and the NRA.  Jesus and the NRA. Gosh… And white gravy…