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Meet the Press, Michele Bachmann crazy Christian Evangelical bigot

I include this short piece not to show what an ignorant homophobic Christian bigot Mrs Bachmann is, for most people outside the pig farms of Iowa already know that.

I include it to point out a much large issue, that conservatives, Republicans and Evangelical Christians cannot express their true ideology to a general election audience. The non answers of stammering, the "I, I, I…", the "I do not judge", the "I am running for president", and of course the code phrase to her gang of ignorant, intolerant pig farmers regarding her presidential appointments. "Only those who share my views."

I notice this with Ron Paul incessantly. When he is pigeon holed for a direct response concerning the outcome or reality of his insane beliefs – like what to do with baby murderers, giving the financial sector to Citi Bank or legalizing Crank – he dodges the questions with the same flippant meaningless answer, "I would let the states decide that."  

On the other hand, liberals, progressives and Democrats can answer any question put to them. Proudly and loudly.   

This has everything to do with RIGHT and WRONG.