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Merry Christmas to Fox News, Bill O’Reilly, Ben Stein, Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel

Bill Oreilly and ben stein

This one got my attention because monotone conservative Ben Stein screeching on about not enough MERRY CHRISTMAS in his life, is Jewish. There sure seems to be some degree of Anti-Semitism in all this crap about the War on Christmas. What do they say in Israel this time of year?  Or on the West Bank for that matter? Where do they put up the national Christmas tree and have Ben light it up.

Of course the same could be said about anti-Islamism, anti-Buddhism, anti-Hinduism and anti-whatever the hell those Chinese bastards are up to beneath those silky sheets. But those are all proper American anti-isms. It’s the Jewish anti that needs to be tip-toed around.

I wonder if there is any nation on this Earth more consumed with Christmas than the United States? I think the Latin nations are more into Easter if I recall.

One last thing. Look at the picture of these two guys. Sour old men playing to a demography of sour old women. Good luck with that!