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Mike Huckabee and Ted Nugent to Send the Dogs after Democrats

Huckabee, Nugent and Jesus

Huckabee, Nugent and Jesus

95% of African Americans are.  Perhaps the most embedded icon we have of the Civil Rights fight was Bull Conner letting the dogs loose on peace marchers in Birmingham, Alabama.

On the Mike Huckabee Radio Show yesterday the subject of Ted Nugent’s hunting dog came up. How Gonzo hunts 300 days a year and hunts everything, which Ted Nugent then kills, often with full auto machine guns (which he admits gives him an erection) from planes and helicopters. Not sure were GONZO the dog rides on in those hunts.

Huckabee: “Well, maybe we ought to turn him loose on some Democrats and see if he can hunt them too.”

Nugent: “There’s a lot of varmints out there. I think he would do good pointing to varmints and then we could vote them out of office.”

Sure this is that wonderful mix of Christianity and Republican politics – hunting down Democrats with dogs and guns, but the more serious message here is that we see Mike Huckabee being WORSE THAN TED NUGENT. Which is something I never thought possible.