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Mitt Romney’s Campaign Director, Granlund cartoon

Custer Romney campaign manager

Though I must say, Romney would win if he fought in a 500 mile circle of Little Big Horn.  You know there are lines forming in the geography of our divisions. Three nations, one on the pacific rim, one from the Midwest to the Northwest, and that swath of guns, ignorance and bigotry that now extents from Idaho, down through Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and the 13 confederate states. All probably getting only more divided as time passes EXCEPT FOR TEXAS which within a generation is going to join the West Coast Liberals.  Though the fight here in Texas will be fought hard with voter suppression, more angst at immigrants and trying to destroy public education in lieu of religious indoctrination centers. Vouchers under the disguise of Charter schools.  Perhaps there nations is not such a bad idea. It will at least remove us as the worlds policeman.