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Montana Billionaire Giulforte wins Republican house seat and Wrestlemania belt, Stephen Colbert

Montana Billionaire Giulforte wins Republican house seat and Wrestlemania belt, Stephen Colbert

Here’s the problem. 70% of the vote was already in before this Montana Republican man of the people billionaire beat up a reporter so of course he was going to win no matter. But the 30% who voted after the incident still would have been enough to elect him. Reporter take down aside he won with the same number polls expected.

Next we have The President calling him and congratulating him on his big beautiful win. And of course Rush Limbaugh congratulating him on kicking the shit of a reporter. We need more of that.

Nothing the Republican Base loves more than seeing reporters vilified, attacked, screamed at and beat up. After all they reduce their world of fake news and alternate facts to the buffoonery it is. If the media is right then everything such people do, say and are is a lie and wrong. Untenable for the intolerant and ignorant.

As so many are telling me of late, that we have to stop being smug, elitist and mean to such people and instead reach out to them I say, indeed, WITH A BOWLING BALL. It is like a evolution / creation debate, there is no reasoning with them.