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Mueller Goes for the Kill, Drugged Trump Pushes Tax Cuts – A Closer Look with Seth Meyers

Mueller Goes for the Kill, Drugged Trump Pushes Tax Cuts - A Closer Look with Seth Meyers

Mueller Goes for the Kill, Drugged Trump Pushes Tax Cuts - A Closer Look with Seth Meyers

Seth Meyers takes a closer look at how ‘Precident Trump’ is dealing with new developments in the Russia scandal, as Robert Mueller questions Trump’s untimely decision to fire Comey, and White House lawyers are attempting to shove Kushner out of the lifeboat – because ‘who knew’ how involved the kid was with Russia?! Oh, and ‘Frank’ – if indeed that is his name, will be by to mow the White House lawn this weekend..Living the dream.

While selling the ‘no plan tax plan’ Trump sounded garbled and rambled incoherently. Staunch Trump ally and news source Alex Jones ‘splains it all. I’m not at liberty to disclose the details, but – surprise, it’s a conspiracy! “They” are introducing small amounts of addictive sedatives into Trump’s Diet Coke. Jones concludes; “So by 6 or 7 at night he is basically slurring his words and is drugged.”
It is so bad, that as Seth observes; “His allies are defending him by saying he’s not incompetent, he’s drugged!”