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New Rules with Bill Maher, Political Baggage, Feb 14 2014

[jwplayer file=”https://rackjite.com/videos/mp4s/maherrules2142014x.mp4″ image=”https://rackjite.com/videos/mp4s/maherrules.jpg”]

New Rules Bill MaherExperience and a long resume act against presidential nominees. Too much information for the attack ad industry to play with. Rand Paul and Riense Preibus have both said that using the Monica Lewinsky scandal against Hillary is fair game. Indeed, as Bill Maher said, she was in on it.

Our last three presidents all served two terms and were mostly unknowns before they ran. Chris Christie blew his chance, he should have ran in 2012 because he is now accumulated too much baggage to get the nomination.