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New Rules Bill Maher, Founding Fathers and Stupid Tea Baggers Jan 14, 2011

Thank you Bill for saying in a more articulate manner what I have been saying since Sarah Palin and the Tea Party came to the forefront two years ago, we are separated more by smart and stupid than anything else.

Can we still say "stupid?" I’m hearing saying "stupid" and screaming "LOCK AND LOAD" while putting graphical targets and bullet holes on people and places is all the same thing. Just about everybody says so it must be true. If fact if you say otherwise Hate Radio Talkshow Host Mark Levin will sue your ass. Levin is second only to Michael Savage in the hate rhetoric department.

The Tea Party’s mistaken adoration of the Founding Fathers also extends to the conservative ideology of "original intent" of our Constitution. Which BTW, they only apply when it fits their agenda. Here is an example
of where "original intent" does not fit their program at all.  It’s the favorite game of Supreme Court Justice Antonin "Benitio" Scalia (executing innocent people is fine as long as the law is followed.) If you think I intend to be civil talking about that fat little Right-wing dickhead you got another thing coming. 

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

At the time the 2nd Amendment was written "Arms" were capable of shooting only one bullet every 10 seconds with a maximum range of accuracy at 70 yards. So we must follow the INTENT of these Founding Fathers in their time – who were mostly lawyers, Deists and scientists profoundly unlike Sarah Palin and the Tea party being – it goes without saying that a REGULATED state militia should be able to carry weapons that firee only one round every 10 seconds and have a range of less than 70 yards. A cllps of any size did not exist. So please apply that immediately.

Well now that that is settled let’s move on to why Jesus Christ has become not only the impetus for all the gunplay, but also why they believe ALL the money we make is OURS ALONE and for the government to take some of it to help the less fortunate is amoral, is thievery and of course tyranny. For remember as Jesus said

Blessed are the wealthy for they shall pass through the eye of the needle into Heaven and leave the poor behind in the camel crap where they belong. 

And let’s all be civil with dealing with these stupid selfish nits. BTW, it’s that use of Christianity to promote their violent natures, their bigotry and above all their selfish callous disregard for others that sets my fingers afire. They are directly responsible for my loss of faith.