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New Rules Bill Maher, New York City Police, January 9 2015

“Ferris Bueller aside, what a good time to travel to the big Apple. Drink on the street! Pee on a building! Smoke some weed in front of the police station! Paint the town! Park wherever you want! Sell cigarettes on the sidewalk without being killed by the cops!  Be Black!  Oops… So what’s the problem?” Rack Jite

Bill Maher blasts New York City policeI wrote that about 12 hours before Bill Maher said much the same thing here. Great minds think alike! I am waiting on a call to come to LA to be writer for his show…

Beyond the horror show of these back turning cops making the racial divide in New York City and the entire country far worse that it already is. Bill Maher also takes it to a different level regarding unions.

There are graphs that just cannot be ignored. The lines of which follow each other in regards to the Republican war on Unions and our ever growing disparity of wealth. This crap is yet another example of why Republicans are so successful in destroying union shops, the loud often obnoxious words from Union Leaders, when what we need is more union shops.

This is a double edged sword for Republicans of course. They hate unions almost as much as the do Al Sharpton. But all their LAW AND ORDER police and all their SPORTS TEAMS are unionized. It’s often brain bending hard to be a Republican.

I am trying to think of something a cop for me other than hit me in the head with a club, cost me thousands of dollars in traffic fines and Golden Retriever at large tickets, throwing me in jail for smoking a doobie, having an open container of beer, and dancing out of my seat at a Stones concert. Hmm… Um… There must be something they have done FOR me rather than to me… Oh yeah! I remember now! They came over to the house twice to help! Once to take notes on what was stolen out of our garage, and again when someone slashed the tires on the cars in the driveway. They took notes and left and that was that.

You want another truth no one can say?

Where do you think all the bullies you had to deal with back in school ended up?