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New Rules Bill Maher, Sam Brownback and Kansas, October 24, 2014

New Rules Bill MaherOn the face of it this piece seems to be about the abject failure of the basis of not only Sam Brownback, but of the Tea Party and Republican ideology as well – Trickle Down Economics.

But as this piece moves along we realize it is not really about  those things we have always known to be true, but rather it the issue Bill Maher makes is one I have made a zillion times here.

The intelligent American voter is nothing of the sort. They are for the most part fickle nitwits who are so easily manipulated by political advertising that it’s a wonder we are not now in a dozen wars and having the Palins in drunken brawls in the Rose Garden. My God man, we re elected George W Bush even after we knew what a total dufus he was. Why, because of political ads smearing combat veteran John Kerry as a false hero he wasn’t.

In this Kansas case we have an example of what happens when Republicans actually do their supply side economics. Every indicator in the state fails, they go bankrupt and it is so bad leading Republicans publicly back the Democrat for Governor.


Republican ads tell us that 16 years ago when the Democratic candidate Paul Davis was 26 years old, he went to a strip joint where he received a lap dance from a stripper in a G-Sting. In a week he lost his 10 point lead and is now behind by the margin of error. In Kansas going to a strip club is a scandal while driving the state into go bankrupt is not. Go figure…

Figuring figuring figuring… Um… Ah… Where do the Koch Brothers live?