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Newt on video says first wife Jackie Gingrich wanted the divorce

Ah Newtie, you would cause us to revisit your sordid past- again. Not content to leave it with "I was a dirty dog but am forgiven, he had to add that wife number one – Jackie ‘wanted the divorce’ in fact he says, she filed the papers! Of course this was Jackie, who – while fighting for her life, was handed divorce papers on her hospital bed by her loving (and already two-timing) husband Newt. Recently he’s decided to clean up his record by saying that his first wife filed for divorce – which was easily proven wrong.

Left with no child support and seriously ill with cancer, Newt – the Family Values guy, left it to the church to feed and clothe his family. If this wasn’t the sign of a dirtball, there’s more.

This is one of my favorites. Interviews with old friends of the couple by CNN confirm that Gingrich initiated the divorce. "He said, ‘You know and I know that she’s not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a president,’" says one. I’ll leave it to you to view a video of Newt, and the wife for whom he left Number Two, Calista the Third. I used to think she was the victim of eye surgery gone awry, I know now that she’s literally keeping her eyes on Newt – nothing is beyond him as long as women see his Tiffany’s account. Beyond that, I can see no ‘charm’ apparent with this warty lady killer. Not well trained in these kind of relationships, what do they call the single women who has an affair with a married man that breaks up the marriage?