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NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Nanny State Restrictions Extend Far Beyond Coke Size NMA

New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, nanny state restrictions 16 oz Coke only the beginning

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's 16 oz Coke restriction is only one of  his nanny state regulations. Oddly, it is the only one of many invasive and sometimes inhumane restrictions  that has received wide-spread coverage and loud local outrage. Here's a  look through the slightly skewed  lens of  NMA World Edition:

At first Michael Bloomberg came for the trans fats.  But we didn't eat at fast food restaurants,
so we didn't say anything.

Then Michael Bloomberg came for the salt. But we only use pepper, so we didn't say anything.

Then Michael Bloomberg banned food donations to city homeless shelters. But we are not homeless, so we didn't say anything.

Then Michael Bloomberg came for the baby formula because he wants moms to breast feed.
But we are not newborn babies, so we didn't say anything.

Then Michael Bloomberg restricted painkillers at city hospitals. The poor will just have to suffer a bit, he said.

Then he came for our 16-ounce sodas, forcing everyone to buy two. What a jerk!

What's next Michael Bloomberg? Let's ban all cars from the street. After all, walking is healthier than driving.