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The Obama Doctrine, Toles Cartoon

obama foreign policy

Republicans claim there is no “Obama Doctrine”. That anyone can define in one sentence as they can with all other presidents.  Let me give it a shot over the last two centuries.

Roosevelt – Hit them with a stick!
Taft – Hit them with a stick and eat them!
Wilson – War to end all wars and United Nations!
Coolidge – N/A!
Hoover – Free market destruction of the world economy!
Roosevelt – Win war against Japs and Nazis!
Truman – Drop A BOMBS on heavily populated civilian centers!
Eisenhower – Do not allow the military industrial complex to make war!
Kennedy – Invade Cuba and go to the Moon!
Johnson – Sacrifice 25,000 Americans in a War of falling dominoes!
Nixon – Sacrifice 25,000 Americans in a War of falling dominoes!
Ford – Poland is not under Soviet influence!
Carter – Peace between Egypt and Israel!
Reagan – Invasion of Grenada and run from Beirut!
H Bush – Bomb Iraq out of Bahrain!
Clinton – Peace. Prosperity and no genocide!
W Bush – Unilateral war, unilateral war again, free market destruction of world economy!
Obama – Out of unilateral war, out of unilateral war again and let Europe do the heavy lifting from now on.

You see there is an easily defined Obama Doctrine, it is just not what Republicans what to hear. Listen to John McCain, Peter King, Dick Cheney and the GOP. It is all about keeping the wars we have going on forever and wanting at least a half dozen more wars. And more guns at home. LOTS MORE GUNS AT HOME.