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Obamacare, Are you Nuts? Healthcare.gov

Obama care are you nuts?The first thing I noticed about this video on FUNNY OR DIE was that it looks to be uploaded by Will Ferrell and produced by Lee Aronsohn with the ACA behind it.

To normal people Lee Aronsohn is a TV writer from way back and is now the executive producer of the Big Bang Theory. To Republicans he is the bad man behind the bad show called Two and A Half Men.

But… This YOUNG MAN in this video hits directly upon the central problem with the Affordable Care Act.  Why should he volunteer to subsidize the health of old people under 65 or poor black people in the inner cities? Are young men suppose to do the right thing?  Of course not, that’s what being a young man is not about.

This is not so much about paying your cable or phone bill.  It is more costly than that. This is about having to give up give up your car and living with your parents for a few more years? I know I wouldn’t have paid for it.

This is no different than the mandatory reality of paying taxes, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and of course car insurance.  Altruism is for losers.

President Obama had no choice but to go with this complicated hodgepodge that is the ACA because Republicans will not allow a single payer system to happen here in America. After all, that would be THE GOVERNMENT and THE GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM. AND EVIL!

Sadly for all Americans the only way out of the health care mess is mandatory payroll deduction to pay for it either through a direct government system [which is how Great Britain does it and is very rare] or the more common hybrid of government and non profit health insurance systems the rest of the civilized operates from. Which covers everyone with better care at about half the cost. Which I might also add, the vast vast majority of people who live in single payer nations accept and enjoy. Hell, even arch conservative Margaret Thatcher could not even hint at taking away.

The bottom line is that civilized people throughout the world understand health care as a human right. Only we put our citizens very lives into free market economics. It is what makes us so exceptional.