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Olberman Worst: Beck, Angle and RNC Dem woman dogs

Have you ever actually listened to Rush Limbaugh or Laura Schlessinger? You know what they most dwell on? Laughing at SENSITIVE liberals! At the Politically Correct pencil necked geeks! Poor progressives victims! The wussy pantywastes! Nanny state Democrats! Compassionate DoGooders! Bleeding Heart whiners! Bwahahahahaha…

Suddenly in just one week they have turned it all on its head. Those defending the freedom of religion clause of the 1st Amendment are INSENSITIVE! Blacks who can’t handle being berrated for intermarriage or hearing the NWORD screeched at them are INSENSITIVE!

How about a music video with photoshopped images calling women Democrats "DOGS". You remember, like Rush Limbaugh did to 13 year old Chelsea Clinton. Yeah that’s the one thing about Republicans we can all agree on, they are the sensitive party. They really care about the dire straights of immigrants, Hispanics, Muslims, African Americans, the poor, the sick… You can hear their collective hearts weeping though the night.

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