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Olbermann Special Comment: Wilson AKA You Lie! Not Hindered by Facts or Civility

Now – someone screams “You Lie!” at the President of the United States? Besides the lack of decorum, Congressman Wilson is not only incorrect in his pronouncement, loutish, a bigot, and stupid, he’s several years too late! Today it’s okay if he apologizes for “letting his emotions get carried away?”
Some view him as a dimbulb who thought perhaps he was at another town hall meeting, but as Keith shows, there is more to this particular rube than meets the eye, and it’s dangerous to take them at face value. I doubt it’s a coincidence that a white supremacist made that remark to our half black, half white president. Wilson has a history of racial hatred.

Wilson has been active in misleading people, along with Parah Palin about what health care reform truly means. Obviously help to illegal aliens is no longer an issue, but the “Panels” still loom large among those who listen to and readthis far right tripe, that even they know is a lie. Do you think the $235,000 he’s received from Health Care Insurance folks has anything do do with his willingness to outright lie to confused and frightened elderly people to their own detriment?

When Congressman Bob Filner said the U.S. had helped Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological weapons program. Wilson went berserk on CSPAN, stating Finer
should retract it, though it had been true since 1994. Loyalty, or was someone bankrolling him then as well?

‘What happened to respecting the office, if not the man? We went overboard on that piece of Americana during the eight years of Bush. Where were the fingers pointing to lies when Bush/Cheney lied us into war. The 231 times we heard about
WMD’s and not one soul called out “Liar!”

Keith lists many travesties with these very same players, and a good many other things which threaten our nation as a whole and as individuals very seriously now, and at an escalating rate. It is one of his outstanding Special
Comments, and leaves us to wonder what would have been the result if someone had the moxie to yell “Liar!” when it was true, six years ago?