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Olbermann Worst: Ann Coulter, Newscorp..Murdock, John Doozler..racist hypocrite

Gold: It wasn’t the best of Coulter’s brainstorms to equate political know-how with physical attractiveness, although it’s clear she considers herself to be a "ten" in the barren GOP landscape. She blogged some very vile and catty comments about fictional liberal women and their "whipped consorts" reaction to a "hot" Palin in a recent column which reaches witchy new lows. This is a depth she’d pioneered, and I thought even she could not surpass. I didn’t even take the obvious swipe at the adam’s apple, or Ho dress, someone must maintain decorum.

Silver : ‘News of the World’ brought to us via Newscorp or Rupert Murdoch. His U.K. goldmine, ‘News of the World’ has been using some – aggressive news gathering methods again. They’re just the usual sleazy methods utilized by criminals,for example: hacking into hundreds of the phones of celebrities and politicians the better to listen to voice mail, reading bank statements obtained by deceptive practices. You’ll recognize the the names of those listed who had their privacy invaded, though they are but a few who have been affected. It’s odd that Rupert Murdoch maintains he knows nothing of the entire mess, as if millions are petty cash and could go missing without the knowledge of the boss, and odder still that there won’t be another police inquiry.

Bronze: Dr. John G. Duesier Jr. As president of the Valley Swim Team, he should share this award with the racists and snobs of Huntington Valley Pennsylvania. In a story which smacks of the bad ol’ days of segregation. Duzier charged $1900. so that kids in an inner city day camp could swim once a week at the club. One maven declared,"What are all these black kids doing here, I’m afraid they might do something to my child." I daresay they could do nothing nearly so bad as being raised by this bigot, but Duzier caved under some astounding comments, using very lame excuses on his part. You’ll also be amazed at the work for which he gladly takes credit during the Martin Luther King Days celebration!