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Olbermann Worst: Rep.Cynthia Davis R..Mo, Charles Krauthammer, Bill Bennet, The Citizen Patriots of Lancaster PA. video

Gold: MO State Rep.Cynthia Davis, and wowser does she deserve it! Davis is determined to save taxpayer money, sadly her plan doesn’t involve working pro bono. The children in her home state who go hungry without the continued state sponsored free breakfast and lunch programs which continue during the summer should bear the brunt of the cutbacks, in her opinion. The official figure is that one in five children go hungry in Missouri, but Davis says hunger is ‘a good motivator,’ though it’s doubtful that she’s experienced hunger. I don’t know what the very young children are to do, but she gives a helpful tip to those who are of age to work at McDonalds, what a gal! Hear her entire inhumane statement on Worst Persons in the World!

Silver: Shared by Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post, and Bill Bennet of CNN. Much huff and umbrage is in the air as the two have expressed their selective ignorance as to the proper way of addressing the leader of Iran, but only when stated by President Obama. When Obama uses the proper salutation he is accused of every un-American thing with the possible exception of flag desecration!

Bronze: The Citizen Patriots of Lancaster PA. Step on up and accept your prize! See Worst to learn how they’ve not only paid to outsource “Big Brother” from Orwell’s 1984, but have become that futuristic nightmare by spying on one another
where the 165 cameras won’t reach.