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Olbermann Worst: Roger Ailes says Jon Stewart is a hater and NPR is evil

Gold: Speaker-elect John Boehner and Sen. Lindsay Graham are scandalized – at great length, by everything having to do with the Ghailani terrorism trial. Any sane person will be equally panicked that this pair of hyperbolic, logic-impaired gasbags hold office.

Silver: Roger Ailes became hysterical on the subject of Jon Stewart, who unbeknown to us is quite a sneaky diabolical hater! His polarizing hatred of all things conservative for the sake of ratings is evil, and not at all like ‘Fair and Balanced’ Fox News. Ailes the peacemaker knows, Stewart’s machinations are the only reason why we all can’t just get along.

Don’t get Roger Ailes started on NPR, the goose-stepping pocket-picking propaganda machine! I promise you will be shocked to learn just how much
this Hitler-inspired radio scam gleans from our government!

Bronze: One woman learned why vanity license plates are great, unless you happen to be impetuous.