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Onion: History is for Girly Boys in pink dresses


Oh no! The Onion is in trouble, making fun of our Troops or Heroes is one of the things that you just can’t do. The other two are you cannot call Jewish Conservatives (Neo Cons) a wholes (like you can Christian Conservatives), and you can’t say religion is make believe.

Bill Maher got fired for this very thing from ABC, and just recently MSNBC Chris Hayes had to get down on his knees and apologize. I also might add this is not specific to America. This thing about making heroes out of whoever kills the most people is part of the human condition. The more people one kills the more of a hero they are. Even snipers who kill people who are having coffee a half mile away is the stuff of bravery and heroism.

You just can’t question that. Well wait a minute… Jesus Christ questioned the vengeance and violence and killing and hate! Oh yeah, that’s right, they nailed him to a tree.

What is this PTSD we have been hearing so much about for a generation about anyway? It is about young men in combat coming home to realize that what they were doing was WRONG, and the trouble dealing with that causes them. Now I am in trouble, but at least I can’t be fired!

onion d day and glam