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ONION: Weather Forecast: “It’s Windy As Rush Limbaugh” NSFW

ONION: Weather Forecast: "It's Windy As Rush Limbaugh" NSFW

‘From the Onion Archives’ – a timely bad weather story.  Jim and Tracy throw to a local weatherman who reports that ‘it sure is windy as a *#%$@ !!!’ – (or, it’s as windy as Rush Limbaugh on bean day) Unlike the network newscasters, the local weatherman, secure in his niche, uses language that’s a bit too colorful for an audience who’s watching with the sound up.This appears to be my local weatherman. The outlook is for several days “black as pitch and utterly without hope.” Multiply that by nine months, and you have the Great Pacific Northwest, brought to you by Prozac…But it’s not snowing!
* You might want to turn the volume down if sensitive ears are nearby.
This weatherman has a **@# filthy mouth, and swears like a mad *#$&*@ !

A side note. Congrats to all who are boycotting Limbaugh’s sponsors. Thanks to you, the face of Conservative hate talk radio is changing. In response to the Limbaugh boycotts in 2013, Cumulus Media – feeling the pinch, dropped Sean Hannity who had been paired with Limbaugh. Cumulus subsequently doubled down, announcing the replacement of Hannity with Michael Savage – effectively keeping the hate in one spot on the radio dial. This may not seem like an improvement, but it is a sign the boycotts are having an effect. Savage,  is sensibly banned in Britain for hate speech. The British know the difference between ‘free speech’ and harmful hate-mongering.