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Onion Week in Review, Season change from killing the old to killing the homeless, ironweed

Onion week in reviewI was moved by the clip here that Summer is the season for old people to die from the heat, and Winter the season of homeless people to dieg from exposure.

I had a treat not long ago concerning the latter. I read a rather old novel called “Ironweed” by William Kennedy.  It won the Pulitzer in 1984. And then after just finishing the book, as serendipity would have it, surfing the TV channels I came across the movie which I had not known existed. Starring Jack Nickloson and Meryl Streep no less. Can’t do much better than that. A rare case of a movie out shinning the book. What a treat!

The story is about a regular guy who has a couple beers, gives his baby a bath in the kitchen sink, drops the slippery baby to the floor and it dies. The inner and outer turmoil of that moment results in alcoholism and homelessness set in depression era Upstate New York. The lesson I learned that I had not been aware of was well Winter kills off the homeless. And they know it.